Thursday, February 19, 2009

More Gay

The New York Times ran a short piece by Gay Talese in its City Room column on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2009.

Also, you can read my proposal for my paper on my Slap Shot blog.


  1. Hilarious - especially with Talese in the photo.

  2. I love that you reading the NYT closely. Read. Read more. Read more after that. Then think about what it all means.

  3. I agree with some of the comments posted under the article about how panhandling should not be encouraged. Thanks for sharing this with us Paula, it was really interesting. It made me wonder and ask, does the stimulus package really apply to different cases of homeless people? I’m not talking about the people who just lost their jobs and became homeless, but people who’ve been addicted to different drugs and literally threw their lives away.
    What really triggered this thought was when Gay asked: “How’s the economy affecting you?’’ and the middle-aged panhandler responded “No different, it’s always lousy.’’
    What did they really contribute to the economy in the first place?
    What do you guys think? Did anyone get this idea when reading this?
